Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cat fights and hair pulling

I sure hope Mike Rowe and Keifer Sutherland have the stamina required.... Looks like they are the busiest of the TVBFs so far. So lots of cat fights and hair pulling will be going on in TVBF world.

Sometime Sunday I started the toddler socks in varigated pink and by the time I got past the heel turn and gusset I decided they were stupid looking. Could just be that I just really hate pink. I'm thinking of frogging back out to the ribbed cuff and turning them into mittens. You know the ol' "Mittens are just socks with a thumb". The hat pattern calls for bulky so I'll probably carry the neon pink Cascade 220 leftovers I have with the varigated pink. I might just start the hat tonight and worry about the mittens later. Or not at all...

I tried to swear off swaps lately but I just had to join Scout and Bev's Knit Mitts Kit Swap. So here are my KMKS questionaire answers:
  • What are your favorite colors? Jewel tones or colors from natural dyes
  • Are you a new mitt knitter? No How long have you been knitting mittens? 40 years on and off
  • Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? Depends on the project
  • What fibers do you prefer in mitten yarn? 100% wool
  • Where do you usually knit mittens? Anywhere but work
  • How do you usually carry/store small projects? Ziplock bag slipped into appropriate sized knitting tote
  • What are your favorite mitten patterns? Current fav is Super Mittens from Weekend Knitting
  • What are your favorite mitten knitting techniques? What new techniques would you like to try? I'd like to try the Target Mittens from Interweave Knits Fall 2006 (I have the mag.)
  • What are your favorite needles for knitting mittens? Addi Turbos or Inox
  • What are some of your favorite yarns? My handspun hand dyed. Your handspun hand dyed. Mountain Colors 4-8's, Koigu Kersti, Manos Del Uruguay, Lorna's Laces Shepherd worsted
  • What yarn do you totally covet? For mittens? Lorna's Laces Shepherd worsted in Lakeview, Tuscany, Safari
  • Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object? No
  • Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)? Circs in Addi Turbo or Inox
  • If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be? My handspun hand dyed. Your handspun hand dyed
  • Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack? I love licorice, Good and Plentys and Bit-O-Honey. Could care less about chocolate!
  • What’s your favorite animal? Meow
  • Would you prefer super warm mittens or something more like fingerless mitts? Fingerless or standard. Not superwarm.
  • If you were a color what color would you be? Royal Purple
  • What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature? Mt Rainier
  • Do you have a wishlist? No
  • Anything else you’d like to share with the group today? Guess not

Monday, October 30, 2006

I want my TVBF (contest for those fessing up)

I was cracking up earlier this evening reading this same article in our local paper. All about the advantages of TVBF's. Yes TV Boyfriends. Here are some of the details:

"What is TV Boyfriend? The sole rule is that TVBF must appear regularly (or must have appeared regularly) on TV. No special guest-star bits, no made-for-TV movies (that would make him a TVONS, or TV One-Night-Stand). Otherwise, take your pick: prime-time series, daytime talk shows, TV news, infomercials -- the small screen's your oyster, baby.

This marvelously elastic concept knows no barriers of race, class or creed. Sexual orientation matters not at all: For example, gay men can, of course, have a TV boyfriend, but they could also have a TV girlfriend if they wish. (Henceforth, for brevity's sake, "TVBF" will be used to refer to the whole conceptual megillah, reg"ardless of actual gender.)"

I know there a lot of people claiming Jon Stewart and Steven Cobert as their TVBF's - like you Rachel. Didn't you and Lala lay claim a while back????

So...contest... Fess up as to who your TVBF (or TVBFs) is/are by Sunday 10pm PST and all that confess will have their names thrown into an empty cat food bag and the winner will be drawn at random. Prize? Something fiber/knitting related.

Give me 24 hours or so and I will fess up too!

Gas prices for those that don't drive

Cabin Cove Dave was curious as to where the under $2/gallon gas was in Boston. I like to go to www.gaspricewatch.com and torture myself. The gas station in question is Fazio Mobil 396 Chelsea St@Saraoga St Boston, MA.

My best friend Betsy's brother showed up at my parent's house this weekend driving a 1948 Bentley that he'd won off ebay. Wonder what it gets for gas mileage??? Good thing gas is cheap in Denver. Below is an example picture of one (not Ted's).

My little one is 20 today!!

Well our son is also our only child. So no teens unless you count the cats. We'll be visiting him next weekend and plan on taking him out to eat at some of his favorite places in the Seattle area.

Graham was born 3 lbs 3 oz (he's 6' tall now) and 9.5 weeks early (based on a couple different indicators). His due date was supposed to be somewhere between Christmas and New Years. He tried coming Sept 24 and my OB put me on bedrest till he was born. I knitted a ton of hats and socks for him. Little tiny hats and socks. The socks fit my thumb with room to spare. One of my favorite photos of him when he was tiny is him sitting in his car seat along side his Premmie Cabbage Patch Doll and the doll is way bigger than he is. I'll see if I can find that picture and post it later.

Graham is just the coolest guy ever! He started knitting with one of those knitting frames when he was 5 or 6. Regular knitting a few years later. He doesn't knit too much but will whip up a scarf for a birthday present once in a while. He used to be my warping boy for my loom till he figured out that it wasn't the fun part of the process. I haven't been able to talk him into spinning yet.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

And another one and another one

Siamese mittens (the Super Mittens from "Weekend Knitting".) I'd previously done these in some of my handspun hand dyed. I like the hand spun ones better. Still deciding whether or not to full these just a smidge.And Mr Cabin Cove Dave, what's with gas prices in Boston being under $2 a gallon and you don't drive and take advantage of it? (only kidding) I drive and this week have been paying $2.56. Scooter as my daily commute will probably end because of darkness on the way home. I don't mind riding to work in the dark, but people drive even more insane on their commutes home.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturday Sky for Ocober 28 and another FO

Saturday sky is yet another boring picture of a blue cloudless sky. Though I should be happy since soon grey clouds will decend upon us until mid March. Grey clouds that have no other weather associated with them. Boring. This is a picture of Randy, one of the people in the scooter gang I belong to. We decorated our scoots for a spooky scoot ride today. If anyone is interested, the scooter is a Stella.
Another FO. The replacement Noro One Skein hat for Mom since she lost the other one on the Oregon Coast. Started last night at Friday Night Knit Night. Decreases this morning and tada- FO.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Photo op

I finally snapped a picture of Rufus. You can see that his right eye still looks a little funky. He needs a good chest brushing today, I think looks that way because he can't groom real well with that thing on. He sure doesn't like the Elizabethan collar, new as of his Wednesday appointment. Ruby calls it the Kitty Kat Party hat. Rosemary calls it Rufus's dunce cap.

3 Fake Creamer Day

eeeeuuuuwwww. Too lazy to make coffee in my little coffee pot this morning so I gathered up 15 cents and wandered down to the coffee pool. It's taken 3 packages of french vanilla fake creamer to mask the nasty taste of the Yuban. I leave the office at 9:45 today so I think I'll treat myself to real coffee somewhere.

Forgot to mention it last night but I was afraid I was going to run low on the Bias Stole yarn! I kept back 1 oz like they said for the fringe and had already pre-cut it. I just kind of eyeballed it when it came to guestimating when to start binding off. Well I gave myself 4" of tail. I've done that on other projects too. And how many times have I not been so lucky when doing a long tail cast on. You know, guestimate you need so many inches and then when you get to cast on number 68 out of 72 you've run out of yarn.

I'm looking forward to Friday Night Knit Night tonight. I always have fun. I'll bring my Siamese Mitten #2 to hopefully finish. And maybe start Mom's replacement Noro Kureyon One Skein Roll Brim Hat. She lost the other one on the Oregon Coast.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Finally a FO

10:17 p.m. Bias Stole for Mom for Christmas. Blocked and everything. One down, a couple dozen UFOs to go.

Yes, No, Maybe

Yes Margaritas last night.No knitting got done. Just an ounce left to go.
The maybe? Well last night I got to see pictures of a collegue's 18 month old toddler. Her daughter was born in Tibet and she is soooooooooooooooo cute you wouldn't believe it! So to add to my what I want to knit list is this hat from Knitty.com (I've been waiting for an excuse to knit this in a kids size) and some toddler socks. Looking at a bunch of toddler sock patterns, I think I've come up with the generic recipe for worsted weight superwash socks for a 2 year old. Toddler Socks in Worsted Superwash.
#5 needles, 5 stiches/in
Cast on 28 (14 ea needle)
K2P2 for 8 rows (or continue all the way)
Pattern work for another 22 rows
Heel flap and turn heel
Knit approx 28 rows
Shape toe

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Resorting to Mime

Work related post:
I have been on the phone nearly non-stop since early Monday morning, talking to graduate students, or leaving messages from them. By 10:30 a.m. yesterday, I'd lost my voice. Today more phone calls and the lozenges no longer are lubicating my throat. So what sounds best for our 7 p.m. work meeting tonight (really, we really do have a meeting) at Anthony's Home Port? Me's thinking big green frozen margarita. Or maybe a lemon drop or two.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

In case you've been wondering

And if you haven't just don't read this.

My camera estimate came from the Nikon service center. The repair estimate was be half the cost of the repair estimate that came in from the authorized Nikon service center in Seattle. So I authorized this one.

Rufus' eye looks a tiny bit better. Today was the last antibiotic pill. Coated with cheddar bacon Easy Cheese as prescribed by Dr Small. That's how she suggested I give him the pill each morning, they even have it at the clinic. He snarfs the pills down! That's right, the same Easy Cheese that is a staple of all Boy Scout camping trips. Of course they eat it without crackers or anything. Just tilt the can and let it zip.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The lessons learned on the felt bag

Cabin Cove Dave wanted to know the lessons learned on the felted bag. And it's not like I hadn't felted before. I've done a ton of felting. Just didn't have my thinking cap on! Dave, can you find your yarn in the felting?
1. Make sure there is no superwash in the palette! Notice the bright orange/gold section that didn't felt, yup superwash.
2. I should have sewn the beads on after it was felted. About 3/5 of them slipped to the backside during felting. Makes the inside of the bag look nice though...
3. When sewing on the zipper I at first used a regular needle, it was a lot of work to push through the wool. After about an inch I switched over to a glover's needle. It worked real slick! Here is an example picture of one.


I think fall has finally reached our zip code. Yesterday when I went out to pick up the paper, I could see traces of frost on houses. Trees around us are turning gold or dropping their leaves. Daytime temps are in the mid-60's and night in the lower 40's. I like that range.

Knitted a few more rows on the Bias Stole, cast on for another felted coin purse (though the colors are coming out stupid so I think it will get cast into the trash bin), looked at my unfinished socks and mittens. Judie at Sheeps Clothing mentioned she may do a one evening workshop on W&Ts and knitting backwards. That sounds like fun so I'll be on the look out.

Sometimes I think I'll get back into my painting but haven't in a few years. I did fool around in Photoshop last night and came up with this.But we all know that the watercolor setting in Photoshop really doesn't look like a watercolor painting. Oh well.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Boy when blogger is down, it's down!!

I've been unable to reach the blogger dashboard for hours now! I keep threatening to myself to go elsewhere but I'd like to keep all my content. Oh well, while I have this window of opportunity I'd better post. Very last minute Saturday Sky.I finally found a 9" purple zipper for my felted bag. Decided to just use it the way it is. Lessons learned for the next time.Yesterday we went to Portland to have some warranty work done on the Mini. We dropped off the Mini and they asked where they could drop us off for a few hours. We had a quick answer - 11th and Alder!! Home of Knit Purl and their wall of Koigu. Now joined by ShiBui yarn on two walls. Spent a nice amount of time there and a few shops in the general area. That made us hungry for an early lunch at Habibi. Lamb Shwarma. Yum. One of my favorites! Then more walking and gallery stopping in. Since our car wasn't with us I called River City Bikes and asked what the easiest way to their shop was. They said just walk Morrison over the bridge and we'd recognize where the shop was (since we drive there all the time) Sure enough and a mile walk later there we were.

I test rode a couple of the road bikes I am interested in. Their prices are about $70 lower than Markee's here in town plus no tax in Oregon. What to do what to do. Love ya Jerry but I could save $164 by waiting until Thanksgiving and buying in Portland when we are going to be driving through. So unless Jerry has a 2006 model for a lower price...

On the health front, Rufus's eye looks a tiny bit better.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cause Rae said I had to...

Photos, Rae wants photos and not of some cat head pasted into other pictures for that contest I am trying to win.Here is how fall is looking at the local university campus. My maple trees haven't started changing yet. This is the Bias Store I am working on. It is supposed to be about 24" x 65" when done but I am not sure if that includes the 7" fringe!! Headed to Portland in the morning, maybe I'll get it done on the drive.

Like I don't have other things I should be doing...

First a Rufus report. Dr Small couldn't find any eye injury, getting Ruby and Rosemary off the hook for Rufus's bad eye. She is thinking that he indeed has a cold with a sinus infection creating pressure on the 3rd eyelid. Prescribed antibiotic pills plus antibiotic ointment. He goes back in Wednesday for a re-check.

I'm about 1/2 way thru ball three out of four for the Bias Stole. Maybe time for some pictures tonight.

And in news for the scoop the tabloids contest (yes, this is where I should be doing other things or at least get a life):

*************************************************************************************Paparazzi sneaking into the closed set of "Pirates of the Saint Paul River" dressed as cast members snapped this photo of Jack Sparrow about to plant a wet sloppy on none other than Ms Kukka-Maria. Rumors had been flying around town that MS K-M was in the Twins for rehab, or at the very least a week or two at The New Day. "Pirates of the Saint Paul River" filming resumes early next week on location in Phelps MN on the Otter Tail.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I was in our building lunchroom a few minutes ago putting water in my coffee pot, chatting with a few other people that get here early and can't drink the swill of the coffee pool. We voted that today was an AWBH day. Any Where But Here. A chance for us to fantasize this morning. Where would you be this morning if you could be instantly teleported?

I would be teleported to Paris. To the Hotel Marceau Champs-Elysées. Why there? Because I got to stay there once in the early 90's. We were treated to a one bedroom suite (that's right, we did not have to pay!!). The bathroom was to die for with its walk-in marble shower. The ceilings had to be at least 12' and you could open the windows and look out over Paris. I mean how classic it that? Room service breakfast was a simple cart of teas, coffee, juices and croisant with butter and jams. And though it has been so long ago that I can't remember the name of our favorite Paris knitting shop, I'm sure I still know how to get there. It's possibly La droguerie. The shop was in the St Eustache/Les Halles area so I think that's it.

Excuse me while I close my eyes and travel back...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We have a sick little one at home

We are hoping it's just a cold and he has dry eyes. Got home from work last night and noticed that Rufus's right eye looked funky. When he finally let me really look - oh no - that cat inner eye lid thing? It is like stuck 1/3 of the way across his eye! Aside from that the eye looks normal and healthy. He doesn't seem uncomfortable but did take advantage of Dave babying him all night. I'm calling Dr Sheila this morning to see when I can take Rufus in.

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm scoopin' the tabloids here folks

Go to Memiors of a Feline Empress in Excile to see what this is all about!
Empress Kukka-Maria Gets Hissy, Dame Judi Gets All Pissy
In a rare appearance at an afternoon gala event (between naps), the elegant Empress Kukka-Maria was thunderstruck by the sight of Dame Judith Dench wearing the same royal head dress by Rufio. Kukka had been assured by Rufio that the jewel encrusted head dress was a one of a kind creation, with Kukka having exclusive rights to premiering the design.

Now gentle readers, we all know who looks more beautiful in this jeweled crown, don't we? Off with her head anyone?

oops, no Saturday Sky again

How do I forget to take a Saturday Sky picture every week? I can't even remember what it looked like. Except a little cloudy. Warning, post below is with out much about knitting at all.

Friday when I was running errands I stopped by to see Jerry at Markee's bikes in Kennewick. He had a large batch of 2006 models in his parking lot marked 50% for Friday and Saturday so I just had to see. My bike history includes a couple French 10 speeds (Gitane and Peugeot, back when they truely only had 10), a Trek touring bike (back when we did extensive touring), and my trusty Gary Fisher Tassajara. About 6 years ago I got into recumbents, starting out with a Vision R-40 and then my current WizWheelz trike. What brought this on? Well I'd gone riding with Dave the weekend before and I could keep up on my Tassajara! We hadn't riden together in years and it felt good. I had a lot of fun.

My Tassajara is one of the earliest models, back before they started putting all sorts of suspension on them. So for a mountain bike it is light weight. My trike weighs 32 pounds, lite for a recumbent trike but I get tired of lifting it in and out of the back of the truck. So when Jerry asked what I was looking for, and he noticed I had just enough space in the back of the truck for one more bike next to the other two, he took me inside (not 50% off). We've know Jerry for years and years and he knows what we ride and how we ride. He steered me towards some beauties. And what did I fall in love with? A 2006 Specialized Sequoia Elite. Do I need it? No. Want it? Yes. Same with a WooLee Winder. Need? Want? D80? Need? Want? Well you get the picture. Can I really justify any of them when I have perfectly serviceable bikes, wheels and cameras at home?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Rainy days and Sundays never get me down

Or at least that's what Ruby says. She's been napping all day and when she's not napping it's grooming. I left her in this spot at 11:00 a.m. and she's still in the same spot 4.5 hours later. She may have left it while I was gone but I doubt it. It's a nice rainy day out, perfect for napping, reading the Sunday paper, drinking coffee, knitting and antiqueing.Our local fall antique show has been this weekend. Dave and I went out yesterday. The only knitting things I saw (and didn't need or buy) were some bakelite needles and an old old pattern book. We did come home with a wooden drying rack. This one is even taller than the one we use daily in our laundry room.

Too many things on the needles right now. But small projects so if I just sat down something would get done. I'm up to the thumb on mitten 2 of my Siamese mittens. Same spot on my Elderberry socks as I left them last week. And I started the Fiesta Yarn's Bias Stole for Mom for Christmas. Almost through skein 2 of 4 on that.

Sunday's for me? With getting up early for work the next morning? Yup, I'll take the rain and trade Sunday for a Saturday anytime!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Couch Potatoness

It's not even the end of Day Lights Savings time yet and the potatoness has settled in. You know, you get home from work, throw some dinner on the table (Nathan's of New York big dogs. Mine w/catsup only, Dave's with KimChee), read the paper and you realize it's just past 7pm and pitch black out already. And no one even cracked open a knitting project bag. I thought about it for about 2 minutes, flipped through Spin Off, decided to put the Wooly Winder on my Christmas wish list this year for my fantasy present from Santa and then settled into a night in the easy chair with Rufus and my laptop. Wrote a letter to Graham.

Graham is just 18 days shy of no longer being a teen ager! I can't believe it. Yes, time has flown. He thinks it's gone by real fast too. He has accomplished sooooooooooo much in his 20 years. I could go on for pages and pages but will leave it to your imagination about how wonderful he is!

Monday, October 09, 2006

It was a wonderful day in my neighborhood

Ok boys and girls, I owe you some blog. Make sure you take a look at the added picture or two below for last week.

After I was done with my recruiting on Thursday, I was just in time to take a campus tour with a group of 5 other women. All between the ages of 4o something and 60 something. All there for our own reasons. Mine was the lamest. I just love taking campus tours. All the others were in town for a national meeting of college counselors from high schools.One of the highlights for me was finding out my hotel was right across the street from WQED. Yes that WQED, of Mr. Rogers fame. Even though I could never stand the show, I had a lot of respect for what Fred Rogers did. So when our young tour guide had us do the "I am not worthy" towards this ugly grey concrete building and then told us what it was I got chills.

Then Amy the tour guide showed us something that we all yawned over being girls and all. She took us into a building built on the site of Forbes Field. So we all gave her blank stares, what's a Forbes Field? Oh, where the Pirates used to play before they built PNC. OK, what ever. Then she walked us over to a plexiglass box in the floor and we all yawned again. Sorry. It was the home plate from the 1942 World Series when the Pirates won. So for any ballbase fans, here it is. Upsidedown so you can read the plaque. I slide my foot over it for good luck, just like you are supposed to.

Then after the tour I took the 61C to the front door of Knit One. I'd talked to Sandy at Knit One the day before and she told me what bus to take and to come on Thursdsay because it's one of their late nights (open till 8pm).All I can say is WOWOWOWOOWWWW! What a fantastic shop. Sandy and the rest of the staff were ultra friendly, gave me a shop tour, didn't mind that I had to squeeze every skein in the shop. They carried a lot of yarn that we don't have here, plus some that I haven't seen in Seattle. Plus a much larger selection of colorways in what I did know. I came out of there with 2 skeins of Claudia's sock yarn in Leopard, a Noro Kureyon in the dark blue-ish purple colorway (to reknit the hat Mom lost last week on the Oregon Coast) and a Fiesta La Boheme pattern for a Bias Knit Stole. I'm knitting that for Mom for Christmas. No losing that one Mom!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

I almost <3 cheap airport WiFi

I'm at O'Hare now and saw the over head sign saying I was in a Wifi zone. Also noticed there was one seat left at the WiFi and recharge your laptop battery kiosk. SO I grabbed it. WiFi is by Boingo, $6.95 will buy me access for 24 hours both here and Denver International. So sure. It works doesn't it!!! I am so easily entertained.

And when I saw the next easily entertaining item, I though of you Cristina!!! This little device wraps the commode seat with a fresh (sure it does...) piece of plastic wrap at the push of a button. For the record, yes, I did push the button for a fresh wrap, and no I still didn't sit down. Easily entertained, yup.You know I need to get out of town more often.

I continued to knit my little purple tote made from leftover yarns and will be felted. Can't decide whether or not I'll sew some beads on before I felt it or not.

I <3 Free Airport WiFi

I sat in the Pittsburgh airport for 25 minutes before I realized this in one of the few airports with free WiFi!! So I've been checking out my bloglines and trying to stay awake long enough to get on my first flight. Three today. Mostly sitting in the last row again. I am soooooo thrilled about that. I could upgrade to economy instead of stearage if I want to spend another $116. Or I could use that money to finally get my Nikon fixed. I really really really missed having it on this trip. So I am going to spring for the repair cost, at Nikon, as soon as I get an estimate from them that is hopefully cheaper than the one from PhotoTronics.

Catch you later.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

For knitting scroll to the bottom...

Pitt Day 2. Work - recruiting went well. Lots of enthusiastic students. Tomorrow will be my big busy day since it is the science and engineering recruiting day. The weatherman promised me rain and a big lightning storm. We got heat, 97% humidity and a little sprinkle of rain between 7 and 8 pm. Not much in the way of lightening and I love lightning.

Ate dinner in the bar at my hotel. I'd asked the bartender if they serve the dinner menu in there. Yes, sure, no problem. Ordered a Bass Ale , ordered dinner... and good thing I was in no hurry. And had brought a note card to write. And had a book to read (The Lazy B. The Sandra Day O'Conner autobiography). About 75 pages later dinner showed up. It was decently tasty or I was real hungry, one of the two. Meanwhile even though the bar was pretty darn empty and the bartender wasn't doing to much, he was an equal opportunity ignorer. Since I am on travel, I have to pay for my brewskie and the dinner can go on my account. I didn't feel too bad then when I handed him a $20 for the beer and I got $27.25 back in change. His service stunk. I left him a $1 tip on the beer. It was worth it. I gave him a tip on the dinner only because it wasn't coming out of my pocket.Then I took a little tour of my neighborhood. The hotel is surrounded by the North Central end of campus. I am right next to the U of Pittsburgh Medical Center, lots of churches and something I had never heard of... the Cathedral of Learning. Outside the building looks like a set from one of the early Superman movies. Inside the first floor looks like the enterior of a cathedral except everyone is sitting around studying.Also in my neighborhood is my favorite kind of underground parking. If I had to have a favorite of course! I've only seen these in Europe. I haven't traveled the east coast in years so they may be popular here. Don't know. But I love the grassy park on top of the parking lot.Ok knitting. Highlight of the day though is I called the closest knitting shop - Knit One. The woman that answered the phone was wonderful. I explained that I had no car and she told me exactly where to catch what bus will take me directly to their door. She was sad though that I wouldn' t have been able to make it tonight because on Wednesdays and they close early. But tomorrow she told me they stay open until 8pm and I can spend all the time I'd like!!! Yeah!!! Yeah!!! Good news too since they are open late, I'll be able to sign up for a campus tour.
See ya tomorrow

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Don't know if it's the Pitts yet

I made it to Pittsburgh. Since I had to get up so blinking early this morning I didn't do any sock knitting on the planes. I'd packed a gallon bag of woolie leftovers to knit and felt into the little zippered tote shown in Weekend Knits. Yes Dave, your yarn even stars in this! The theme color of this one is my over used purple to magenta family with some Cherry Tree Hill Fall Foliage thrown in for contrast. It's just stockinette on a circ. I can do that with my eyes closed. Pictures will follow tomorrow.

I have to use the business center to do my AIMing. I'm not supposed to blog from the work laptop I checked out. And I can't get my iBook to access the ethernet. SO I hand carried two boat anchors...

I may bring my Siamese mittens to knit tomorrow. Not sure what kind of crowds I'll have at the recruiting event.

Ciao for now kids!