Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Neverending roving

Maybe it's because the National Finals Rodeo is over (my favorite sport for spinning) but it seems like I keep spinning and spinning on my Rambouillet/Targhee/Merino blend and getting no where! Or maybe it's because I am really interested to see how it is going to come out plyed with the grapey goodness singles.

Excuse me, I'll be right back. Spit Spit Spiiiittt. I need to go make a cup of tea. I just had a sip of the coffee pool coffee, pre-doctored with fake creamer and it is the worst I've had in a long time.

Anyway, Graham is almost done with the scarf for his beautiful girlfriend Rachel. I should be able to take a picture of it tonight. He commented that it sure takes a long time when the rows are 220 stitches long. Didn't take him long to figure that out did he! Then he is planning on some more Stupid Sock Creatures for various friends.

Ok was it just me or did anyone else think of the Noni Lattice Bag when they saw the picture of this cute little Himalayan kid at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogspot makes me mad.

9:15 AM  

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