Saturday, December 16, 2006

Toes Up Tits Up?

Seven casts on before I was satisified that a figure-8 cast on was going to work. I didn't do it wrong from the start, I just could see what was wonderful about it. Then the pattern I chose used M1's and I kept getting a hole where I didn't want it. Tried two other casts ons, went back to the figure 8 and said screw the M1's and did the K1 in front and back increases. I am about 3 inches into the 6.25 I need before I start increasing for the gusset. The perfect time to frog the whole damn thing and go back to my original plan. Not only that but I may go down to 36 stitches cast on vs the 40 my gauge swatch indicated I do.Somehow my partial Friday off and my Saturday sped by. (I'll be at the office tomorrow) Last night we were guests at the Lockheed Martin Christmas party. It was pretty darn good as those things go. Up until the point where they started karaoke. Then we sped out of there (only to get stuck in post hockey game traffic). I ran a couple of errands today and have nothing to show for it. I was almost ready to start chili verde with pork for dinner when Hubby Dave requested Chicken Garlic Pizza. I called the new Garlic Jim's pizza place and they quoted $23.99. I had a $9.99 coupon for the same pizza at Papa Murpheys' so I ran into town yet another time.
Like father

Like daughter
Hubby Dave leaves for Washington DC in the morning. He is busy figuring out what knitting to pack. He hasn't started packing his other bag. Priorities!! Tomorrow is his birthday so I think we'll celebrate tonight rather than at 4 am. He is scheduled to return on Thursday, weather willing. He's glad he doesn't have to fly through Seattle to get home. Graham is driving to Portland with Beautiful Girlfriend Rachel's parents to go pick her up tomorrow. I should get lots of knitting done!


Blogger Chris said...

I use a different toe-up cast on (linked in my sidebar). And I used paired twisted loop increases - they're illustrated in Knitting Without Tears.

5:18 PM  

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