Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ride a Scooter?

If you do then grab a copy of my Knitters with Scooters button for your blog!! (please download to your hard drive rather than linking to my page. Thanks)

Answers for Rae and everyone else

Rae, the orange fabric and the button are from WalMart! The green fabric was from JoAnns fabs in Richland. I lined the bag with neon green polar fleece and put quilt batting between the layers for extra cushioning. Tonight after I knit with a friend for a while, I plan to make a little matching zip bag for the AC power cube and cord for the iBook. And Rae, sorry I didn't make it to Friday Night Knit Night last Friday. Did you?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

iBook Bag

Staff status meetings always go by much faster when I have a project (non-work) in mind. Sketch, figure yardage, diagram the construction... that made at least 15 minutes of the weekly meeting just fly by. The rest of the hour dragged as usual. Today in anticipation of my new toy arriving (now Thursday says UPS) I decided I'd sew up a padded laptop bag. I am more than a little rusty with my sewing, let me tell you!

It came out pretty good I'd say. I need to press some of the edges again to see if they'll lay flatter. But I think this works. A fun toy needs a fun bag. Probably next fall I will felt a bag for winter use.

Map me

I live in zip 99353. So out in the desert of SE Washington. Still upper left hand corner but inland. That's why it's a dry heat.

Monday, June 26, 2006


First I need to thank my FANTASTIC SP8 pal "Wonder Who". When I got home on Saturday there was a box waiting for me with pressies in it. WOW WOW WOW. My SP8 pal sent me the coolest. Pictures to follow maybe later today. First were 4 balls of Breeze in purple and in white. Heirloom Breeze is 69% cotton, 30% wool, 1% lycra. It has a fantastic hand to it, so summery. What to do what to do? One of those yarns I had seen at the yarn stores and said to myself that I needed to try it one of these days and now I can.

Then WOW WOW WOW, a ball of handspun. Not just any purple/mauve/white handspun, but one in soy and wool. And the most amazing is that it is 6 ply and still so delicate and feels so yummy. How does my SP8 pal do it? She was so nice and made her usual 3 ply into 6 ply for me knowing that I don't do lace. (or at least haven't tried it much)

Then WOWZERS again. I didn't know what fillet crochet was but I do now! It is the traditional fiber craft of Greece. My SP8 pal did me a very delicate fillet of a dragon (I think it's a dragon isn't it?) We have antique cherry end tables and the fillet looks amazing agains the dark red wood end table that I knit next to.

The most amazing thing was that my SP8 pal confessed to the fact she was about to hatch her little one when she was putting together my SP8 package! Here is a photo of her most cutest. Wonder Who, you are amazing. OK, now I am waiting on two packages to be delivered to my door any day now. The spindle I mentioned below should maybe arrive today. And I treated myself to a new to me toy, an iBook. last generation but I didn't care. It maybe arrives tomorrow.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

But it's a Dry Heat

This is for Cabin Cove Dave, but everyone else can chime in and brag or complain. I will gladly take all the rain, cold and floods of Boston. Flannel sheets? Bring em on. I will trade the 103 we had today and the 107 we are supposed to get between now and Tuesday evening. Even with the air conditioner going I just can't think about knitting wool. Got out my sewing machine to sew a Bee Bucket Bag for my best friend Betsy who is the bee keeper and I just couldn't think about that either.

I have Saturday plans that I am excited about!! My brother and sister in-law will be in Seattle later this week for their annual SABR convention. They aren't going to any of the Saturday activities until the Mariners Rockies game that evening. So Graham and I are driving up to visit them all day. I am excited!!! They live in Denver and I don't get to see them very often. When ever Steve is in Seattle though with his consulting job he visits with Graham and takes him out to dinner. So Graham see's my brother more often than I do.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Stash by Volume

I couldn't stand the fiber corner (piles of yarn and roving, my floor loom and my warping board) in the guest bedroom another minute. (not to be mistaken for the closet corner, the guest bed corner or the shoes on the floor corner that I can't stand) I had the Geebs pick me up one of those metal grid storage units. Each unit is 14"x14"x14" and there are 6 stacked in 2 columns of 3 ea. I emptied all my knitting project bags except one, bagged what wasn't and started packing the unit.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 3 of the cubes are all roving. Mostly purple or natural. 1 of the cubes is rolled up now empty project bags. 1 unit is leftover yarns from projects. Add it all together and it left me 1 cube for my unknitted stash. The top of the unit has my project notebooks stacked on one side and an African basket with cards and other spinning do-dads in it. What's not in the unit, as if I have any room left, is another lb of the African Violet Romney Mohair blend, some real recently acquired yarns including my Dye-O-Rama that was gifted to me and my current projects, both knitting and spinning.

One More Try

I decided I'd try a spindle again, thinking I could keep one under the seat of the ultimate knitting project carry-all and spin at lunch. I ordered from Crazy Monkey Creations. It's made from Bocote and Walnut, and it's a top whorl.

Knit Till You Drop

I am so excited, one of our knitting group knitters is putting together a Knit Till You Drop day for next month. Count me in! I seem to get more knitting done on my Friday nights while drinking Italian Soda's, chatting, reading magazines and looking at everyone else's projects than I do at home. So I figure without the B&N distractions I should really get a lot done.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's Mine ALL Mine

And I can't wipe the grin off my face! Retro Pinky came in the mail yesterday and it's even brighter pink than the pictures show. Really, the second I the package apart...I got a big silly grin just looking at Retro Pinky. Now the big question, do I transfer my Cabin Cove Baby Cable Rib socks from black cat foot print sock bag to Retro Pinky or save it for my next pair??
Either way, great design Trek!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Maybe I don't pay enough attention

Maybe I don't pay enough attention when I read people's blogs. I got a note from ScoutJ today after I made a comment on her blog about the Flying Star. Compared notes on the pies there, we both recommend the peach raspberry pie. I also found out that if I'd been in Village Wools any day but a Thursday I would have met her!

But the best news of all, ScoutJ told me the name of the Churro that the nice soft white roving was from. Her name is Valentine.

Mechanical Problem

Well, Hubby Dave's 6:30 am flight still hasn't taken off from PSC to SLC and it's 10:30. Mechanical problem, plane would just never get up to take off speed when rolling, twice. Makes me want to take a handful of anti-anxiety drugs just thinking about it. I was on a flight like that years ago from DEN to SLC and when we did finally take off we just skimmed the trees at the end of the runway, then for miles you could almost read the license plate numbers on the cars below. We flew to SLC just skimming the treetops - I swear!!! I was sitting right next to Scott Hamilton, the skater and I kept thinking that that was going to be my claim to fame - dying next to a famous Olympian. When we got to SLC they said oops, this flight won't go on because of a mechanical problem. Well duh...

So anyway, he's been checking in every 30 minutes and realized by 7 am this morning that all of his knitting was packed in his check through luggage. He's trying to keep himself entertained...

I spun enough Romney last night to cover the bobbin core. Which means not a whole heck of a lot. I was in charge of the Father's Day BBQ for the whole 3 of us. Whoopie!! But it did take time to pull it all together. Last night I cast on for sock 2 of Cabin Cove Baby Cable Rib socks. Did 4-5 rows. The only thing that really gets me through sock two is looking at the yummy yarn I have planned to knit my next pair. It will either be the Artyarn or the SweetGeorgia.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

DRUM ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, And the winner is....

It took me two days to catch Rosemary awake enough to have her pick Rae of PennKnits as my contest winner!!! Congratulations!

I printed up everyones names, placed them on the floor and put one kitty crunchie on each paper. I then let Rosemary wander over and pick one. The picture came out too dark, black cat in a dark room and the flash didn't help the lighting at all. Sorry....

What's really bizzare is that Rae lives two town over from me! I am in West Richland, she is in Kennewick WA. So I want to know her secret, Rae, how do you keep your lawn and yard looking so nice???? NO fair! But anyway Rae, let's get together next week and I'll hand deliver your knitting related goodies. Or stop by Friday Night Knit Night at Barnes and Noble this Friday at 6:30 pm.

Spin progress

Finally a bobbin of the Romney done. It seemed to have taken forever.
Plyed some misc singles together for 100 yards. Pretty but inconsistant twist. I can still use it as color bands in a sock top I guess. The Lendrum was giving me fits last night when I was trying to ply. Things kept binding up. I couldn't figure what was going on.

What gave me the boost I needed to do some spinning? I'd given Jessica a baggie of Churro to try out on one of her spindles. It came out buttery soft, not hars h like we expected! Good thing I know where to get more if we need it.

I got my match for Knit Sock Kit Swap. Now I guess I'd better go back and read the rules. I have the yarn already to hand dye (Baby Cashmarino - Thanks Kim for the idea!), need to draft my pattern to go with it and sew a sock bag. I just don't remember when it is suppsed to be shipped off by.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am in Dye-O Heaven

Yesterday I wandered into a website after reading Kathy's comment about and was hoping/praying to the Dye-O gods/Mommas that the Frankenstein mix Dye-O-Rama sock yarn was mine!! I couldn't believe it when I opened my mail just now and there it was and it was so perfect, and then opened Kathy's website and it was like deja vu all over again. WOWOWOWOWOW I love it! Close up the yarn is a beautiful mix of purples , violets , lavendar, olive, brown and blue. (have I missed a color Kathy??) My photo doesn't do it justice. She also sent me sheepie earrings that I can't wait to show off. And a box of my second most favorite food in the whole world behind raspberrys. Can you tell I am excited??? And I haven't even opened the box of G&P's yet!!!!

Kathy lives about 4.5 hours from me in the Portland OR area and just moved into a new house. Congratulations!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

World Cup Knitting

I'm watching a little bit of the World Cup. For those of you that are really into it, I ran into this free pattern for a knitted soccer ball at Needle Exchange.

Rainy Days and Sundays (or Tuesdays)

Since I have to work for a living (you know born beautiful instead of rich darn it all), I can't enjoy rainy days like I should. Yes, it is raining again. I love the rain. I make sure I don't pack a rain coat and park far away so I can walk in it. I am not being sarcastic, I do love it. It's one of the things that bothers me here in the desert of Eastern WA state. That and anytime the temps go over 59 degrees.

My favorite knitting scenario is a rainy day like today, sitting on the couch with my fake OTT lite shining on my knitting or my Lendrum. Ruby the cat asleep on my lap, Rufus her Daddy laying behind my neck on the back of the couch, Rosemary watching from the cat tree, a bottomless cup of Earl Grey served with some rhubarb quick bread on the side and XM radio softly playing or an old Cary Grant movie on the TV. Or I'd also be happy if the location was on the Oregon Coast somewhere, or a cabin in the Cascades with a view of Mt Rainier. Or if the rain was snow instead. OK, or anywhere in Paris and change the tea to champagne.....

So how about you? What's your favorite knitting scenario? All those that post between now and Friday 6/16 at 10pm PDT will go into a drawing for a knitting related something!! Entries will be chosen at random by Rosemary (cause she is the smart one).

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Food of the Gods

My raspberry crop thus far.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

One down and one to go

Sock wise that is. And whoopie!!! I found the kit I had put together for myself so I could knit my Dad a watch cap for Fathers Day. Too late to cast on for that tonight even if it is only 88 stitches.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Progress Pics

First a picture taken last week of handsome son and his beautiful girlfriend. Note Mt Rainier in the background. While I was waiting in the no parking zone for them to come down with another load out of handsome son's dorm room, I entertained myself trying to capture a picture of a bee for my best friend Betsy. She's a Bee Keeper in Denver. So if you see products by "Betsy's Bees at Fox Ranch", that's her. She doesn't have a website. I've tried to talk her into just having a quick blog page but...
Here is a pic of the first premmie sock. The second is done down to the heel turn. Note the size of the sock compared to the nail head next to it. The sock fits my thumb.And my slow progress on my Cabin Cove Baby Cable Rib sock. Dave - I'd say that this photo shows the color of the yarn the most accurate.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Say it fast three times

Bitchin' Mittens Bitchin' Mittens Bitchin' Mittens. I think I can I think I can I think I can. I'm joining Dave at Cabin Cove's Bitchin'Mittens.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Lil' bit of knitting going on

I cast on sock two of the pair of premmie socks I started last week. What a sense of accomplishment you can get when in the span of a 30 minute TV show you can go from cast on to nearly turning the heel! Needed something to get me out of my funk and that just about did it.

Today is our "Managed Hardware Showcase" at work. I'm going to run over so I can be early in line and get a $$ off coupon from Apple computers. I think I am pretty sure I want that MacBook I looked at last Saturday in Seattle. I could buy a very nice Dell laptop for lots less but I need a Mac back in my life again. We got our first Mac on March 13, 1984 and had Macs till late in 1997. What does this have to do with knitting? Not much.

Remember the bird nest (see below)? I got home from work yesterday to find one of the neighborhood cats (the one I usually find sleeping in our woodpile or porch chairs) using the now blown down nest as a pillow. It just wasn't a good secure spot Mrs. New Bird. Join Mrs. Robin and try the grape vines on the back porch. They are much more protected from the wind and the nasty magpies.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Why I don't dance or Sockapalooza

Good grief, I have to quit reading blogs. They all make me look like such a loser/slacker. (go ahead and make that "L" sign with your hand, place it on your forehead and face in my direction) It took me a month to dye 2 skeins of yarn. It takes me months to see any progress on socks. I keep spinning my romney and the bobbin is not filling. OK all of you, I am sick of you people that knit a pair of socks over the weekend. Yes you. No way could I Sockapalooza cause the receipient would be waiting near forever for their socks.

OK got that out of my system. Go back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

p.s. the dancing part? Believe me, you don't want to see it.

Monday, June 05, 2006


I am getting great comments about my Dye-O-Rama yarn from readers at the Dye-0-Rama website. If any of you have wandered over here, hi again!! I even got a comment from another Scooterist!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Sin of Ommission

Yes I have sinned again and again. I bought roving and didn't tell you about all of it. I may have mentioned in passing that I bought Chorro while I was in Albuquerque. I omitted the fact that I also bought a Merino and Tussah blend. Oh and a wool blend. And after all that I omitted to tell you that on Friday I was coming out of my bank and noticed that Richland now has a farmers market. Big whoopie, 8 booths.. But one of them was Fehrenbacher Farm. I tried to look away. (just ask them) I tried. But the lure of the bags of romney, leicester, coopworth and jacob was too strong. The money, fresh from the bank lept out of my pocket and I carried 10.7 ounces of Jacob back to the truck.

Face First in the Flower Garden

My Dye-O-Rama yarn is finally ready to ship! Two skeins of Louet Gems Pearl in my handpainted Face First in the Flower Garden colorway.Someone was busy yesterday while I was in Seattle!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Nightmare on Main Street

Or whatever street it is I live on. Thursday was my designated Dye-O-Rama dye night. Had some dinner, laid out all my supplies, took the wrappers off the Louet Gems Pearl hanks. Very carefully. Very carefully put them in the soak cycle. Hand painted the two hanks so they pretty much matched straight across. Nuked them, let them cool and very very carefully rinsed them. Notice I keep saying very carefully.

I placed skein number one on the swift and noticed that Louet has changed how they tie their hanks. The now do it the way I've noticed Manos del Uraguay has gone to and I absolutely hate it. The way they just take the end of the yarn, weave it in and out of the hank itself, tie it back on itself. The chances of a, or for that matter, many cross overs are tremendous. I was able to skein #1 fine. Number 2 was a different matter. As caredful as I could do it, it still was the biggest tangled mess I have ever encountered.