And the winner is....
But first a word from our sponsor. I forgot to mention that I packed both knitting and spinning with me for our Seattle trip. Knitting never came out of the bags. I did however spin on my top whorl. Got a great hint from a friend, put a small notch on the whorl. I did before I left the house and now I have absolutely no problem spindling! But boy dies it take too long... Here is an hours worth from Friday night. Last night I added about the same or a little more. And now on with the show. I got lazy by 10 pm tonight. Instead of printing up 43 little slips of paper I went to the Research Randomizer at
I asked for 1 Set of 1 Unique Numbers Per Set 1 Set
Range: From 1 to 43 -- Unsorted
Job Status:
Set #1:
And that makes the winner Gwen at Shoes and Yarn! So Gwen if you are reading this please email me your mailing address!
But that's not all. Someones blog was so sick, so magnificent, so Art History Major, that I had to pick it for a special recognition award. With a BFA in Studio and Graphic Arts I sat or slept through what must have been 9734 art slides. Obviously so did Kathy with her life, I mean Gallery devoted to David Krumhotz. You are just not going to believe it!!! You must go see her website. Not to mention the website of Neal linked on her website. Neal loves, well, you just have to go see for yourself. So Gwen, send me your mailing address too.
Guess it's time for me to fess up. All my TVFBs are a bit young for me since I am of the AARP demographic. But here is a start.
I asked for 1 Set of 1 Unique Numbers Per Set 1 Set
Range: From 1 to 43 -- Unsorted
Job Status:
Set #1:
And that makes the winner Gwen at Shoes and Yarn! So Gwen if you are reading this please email me your mailing address!
But that's not all. Someones blog was so sick, so magnificent, so Art History Major, that I had to pick it for a special recognition award. With a BFA in Studio and Graphic Arts I sat or slept through what must have been 9734 art slides. Obviously so did Kathy with her life, I mean Gallery devoted to David Krumhotz. You are just not going to believe it!!! You must go see her website. Not to mention the website of Neal linked on her website. Neal loves, well, you just have to go see for yourself. So Gwen, send me your mailing address too.
Guess it's time for me to fess up. All my TVFBs are a bit young for me since I am of the AARP demographic. But here is a start.
- Hugh Laurie from House. 6'2" - ok so I like tall, give me tall in my TVBFs. My ballpark for age. Kind of. Love the attitude dude but only with the US accent and not the Brit accent. Boy I am fussy but it's my fantasy.
- Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs. 6'1". A little young but I bet I could get him to clean toilets and kitty boxes!
- I don't watch much other TV so I may be missing out on a lot of something out there.
- Prefer Kevin Bacon over Keifer S.
- Like Jane, Illya Kuryakin was my very first TVBF (now I say ick, what was I thinking?)
- Since it is my contest I get to cheat and say my very favorite TVBF (since he has been on like 48 TV shows, per is Kevin Kline. He can leave cracker crumbs in any room!! Plus for once, someone older than me...and my favorite tallness.
I forgot to tell you...I've met Kevin Bacon too.... I waited on him and Kyra with their wee son back in '90, at the bookstore I managed. That makes me one degree from Kevin Bacon! Hee!
Congrats, Gwen!!
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