Saturday, November 25, 2006


After another trip to the Cannon Beach LYS, we've parked our knitting, laptops and behinds at Bella Espresso. We're very lucky to get a seat! We lucked out and got a window seat with a tiny table. Hubby Dave is knitting, G and I blogging. There are currently 22 people in line for coffee and all the other tables are now filled. Pretty sure because a nasty cold front has hit and everyone else had the same idea. We have an internet cafe bakery across from our rental but it closed at 4pm.

Tonight we are making clam chowder for our final dinner here. This morning we had our traditional breakfast at Duggers. We can't come to Cannon Beach without eating a breakfast of Razors and Eggs. YUM!Anyway, about the yarn shop. Coastal Yarns. They are between Hemlock and Larch on 2nd. They carry the usual Noros, Rowans etc. Not a skein of 220 in sight! (or was there and I was wowed by other things??) One whole section is dedicated to Blue Moon Fiber Arts yarns.

We tried to get tickets to the Coaster Theater tonight, but it's sold out. Figures, itis one of my favorites - Fiddler on the Roof.

All the downtown businesses have been busily decorating for Christmas. The lights and boughs look festive. It almost puts me in the mood


Blogger Cristina said...

the imagine of the 3 of you sitting sipping coffee, knitting & blogging is a total dream...sounds so relaxing. and the photos are great.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Oh, knitting and blogging at a coffee shop with family/friends - sounds divine!

2:22 PM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Lucky dogs! I wish I was at the ocean! I haven't been to Cannon Beach in years. Sounds like you are having fun. Bummer you didn't get the Fiddler favorite too.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Heide said...

What a fabulous trip! I love the closeup of the hat, did you make that?

7:07 AM  

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