Monday, November 13, 2006

Sunrise 11/13/2006

Mark your calendars. This is the first day of fall that I drive to work in the dark and drive home home in the dark. And have an inside office. So unless I walk over to the other part of campus, I don't see the sun till the weekends! Anyday now I should be getting the shell for my truck!! This isn't an actual picture of my truck, mine is a 2000, same color, better wheels. We'd been talking about getting one for years and decided with our upcoming Thanksgiving in Cannon Beach OR, that this was the time to do it. For those of you unfamiliar with Cannon Beach below is a picture. I've been going to Cannon Beach since I was a baby, so has Graham. My Dad started going there when he was in his teens. I'll be packing plenty of knitting and probably my wheel.


Blogger sheep#100 said...

Great beach picture!

10:20 AM  
Blogger amy said...

i am so jealous. i love cannon beach. we vacationed there every summer growing up. it has been a few years since i have been back. have fun!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Heide said...

Cannon Beach sounds awesome! You sure do travel regionally a lot. There is a coffee shop there called the Sleepy Monk that is ran by an Irishman. I hope to take the family out there this summer... okay, so I really hope to go there with friends while someone watches the family! Hee.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Rae said...

ok! You know all the great places to go. I'm going to Montana for Thanksgiving. But this weekend it's just going to be Austin (8yrs) and I. Got any ideas for the pair of us to do? By the way, have you been to the Pendleton Underground? Great little afternoon trip.

9:26 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Beautiful picture of the beach - I want to go! I also leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark, but I do have a window in my office. Unfortunately, my back is to it, and I only rarely look out of it.

2:19 AM  

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