Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It drove me crazy

But I am there already...
Ever get a pattern you want to knit into your head and then can't remember where you saw it? And the pattern is so simple you don't really need it. But it bugs you till you actually find it? Sometime last week I got it into my head that I wanted to knit a certain scarf, with a small triangle and narrow scarfy part for my friend Ginny for Christmas. I could have sworn I saw it knitted up as a sample at Knot Another Hat or Coastal Yarns. So I went back to those two to search for it and show Graham. Nope not there. Well maybe it was at Sheeps Clothing.

Last night after I finished Elderberry sock 1 I wanted to see if I had stash yarn I could use for the mystery scarf. I went through about 20 pattern books before I found a picture of it in "The Knitting Experience: Book 2: The Purl Stitch". It said it was on page 46 of Book 1. Took me another 20 minutes to find Book 1. So here is a picture of someone else's "Sally Melville's Shape It Scarf".

Cabin Cove Dave has a job interview today. Please send every good vibe you can muster to Boston so Dave gets his dream job!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, thanks! I was wondering where all those comments were coming from.
I leave for interview #2 in a few minutes. Yeah, the sun isn't even up yet...

3:37 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I'm glad you tracked down the mystery - usually I'm just left wondering where the heck...

10:08 AM  

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